Episode 0: Welcome to You’re Not a Bad Person


Tune in every Wednesday for a new episode with Erica.

Hi, and welcome to You’re Not a Bad Person.

If you’ve ever asked yourself…

How can I move on from my past?

How can I stop feeling shame and guilt?

How do I live a fulfilling life?

How can I learn to love and accept myself?

You’re in the right place.

My name is Erica, and it’s so nice to meet you. I’m a former sex worker, amental health advocate, and a failed entrepreneur.

I created this podcast for people who want to learn how to grow into the best version of themselves.

You can’t become this version of yourself without learning to love & accept the parts of you that may be hard to face. I want you to picture a beautiful home, with a large front yard. You see a garden. The garden has many beautiful flowers, but you also notice weeds. As time goes on, you see the weeds start to take over all of the flowers trying to bloom. It progressively gets worse and worse, until no flowers are left.

We cannot ignore the weeds. We can’t suppress them, and pretend they’re not there. We need to face them, and manage them. If we don’t, we won’t be able to fully bloom & they can take over.

You’re Not a Bad Person is the place for you to leave shame and guilt at the door, and completely remove all judgement you have towards yourself.

I am going to be openly sharing experiences & advice that will hopefully inspire you, make you laugh, and help you embrace every part of you.

Social media is often fake and we need more honest conversations. I hope to be a beacon of light for those who may need it.

Your past does not define you.

Your past does not discredit your success.

Your past does not disqualify you.

We have all done things we’re not proud of, and we all have secrets. We’ve experienced guilt and have struggled with our identities. It doesn’t make you a bad person, it makes you human.

I am grateful you found yourself here, and I am looking forward to growing together.


Episode 1: How to embrace your past, get rid of shame, & my biggest secret