Hey, I’m Erica, your host.

My self-love journey really began at the age of 19 after my first real heart break. I used exercise to piece it back together, but it only led to a downward spiral of self-destruction.

I developed several eating disorders along with depression, and rather than fixing the root cause of my problems, I put a band-aid on it. I went through years of extreme dieting for bodybuilding competitions, numbed my pain with drugs & alcohol, and became a sex worker where I put myself in incredibly dangerous situations, but also had some of my most profound human experiences.

My story doesn’t end there, though. In 2018 after I completed my bodybuilding competitions, I stumbled across a personal development podcast at my desk one day. It became a part of my morning routine, and it led me to quitting my job, booking a 1 way ticket to Southeast Asia, and completely changing my life.

Shortly after my three month trip, I found a roommate online, moved to a new city, and launched a food business. I knew nothing about the food industry, and nothing about business, but I was able to build a multi 6-figure company on my own, and took it to over 200 stores across the country. I grew a community of nearly 300k followers in a few years. All of this came from a dream out of my apartment.

Then things took a turn for the worse, and I shut it down early 2024 shortly after filing for bankruptcy. Now, we’re here.